Estimation of State of Charge (SoC) Using Modified Coulomb Counting Method With Open Circuit Compensation For Battery Management System (BMS)
Battery is one of the important components in the development of renewable energy technology. This paper presents a method for estimating the State of Charge (SoC) for a 4Ah Li-ion battery. State of Charge (SoC) is the status of the capacity in the battery in the form of a percentage which makes it easier to monitor the battery during use. Coulomb calculations are widely used, but this method still contains errors during integration. In this paper, SoC measurement using Open Circuit Voltage Compensation is used for the determination of the initial SoC, so that the initial SoC reading is more precise, because if the initial SoC reading only uses a voltage sensor, the initial SoC reading is less precise which affects the next n second SoC reading. In this paper, we present a battery management system design or commonly known as BMS (Battery Management System) which focuses on the monitoring function. BMS uses a voltage sensor in the form of a voltage divider circuit and an ACS 712 current sensor to send information about the battery condition to the microcontroller as the control center. Besides, BMS is equipped with a protection relay to protect the battery. The estimation results of the 12volt 4Ah Li-ion battery SoC with the actual reading show an error of less than 1%.
Keywords: battery management system, modified coulomb counting, state of charge
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