Starting from the year 2023, JAREE will publish every January and July.
General Description
Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering (JAREE) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that is published by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia. This journal aims to facilitate scientist, researchers, and industries to disseminate and share their current and state-of-the-art studies in the field of electrical engineering.
The Journal's Scope
The scopes of this journal includes, but not limited to, power and energy systems, telecommunications and signal processing, electronics, biomedical engineering, control systems engineering, as well as computing and information technology. A strong preference is given to research that demonstrates novelty, originality, and recent contributions to these fields and scopes, as well as contributions to society.
Starting from January 2023, JAREE is published twice a year, every January and July. This journal is registered with the ISSN number 2580-0361 (print) and 2579-6216 (online), in English language.
Review Process
Every submission to this journal will be checked for the plagiarism using iThenticate. If the similarity rate of the manuscript below 20%, it will be passed to the review process that is taken by at least two reviewers in the single-blind mode. The manuscript to this journal shall not be submitted ot published elsewhere. The review process usually takes around 30 days.
The Article Publication Charge (APC) is applied to every manuscript that is accepted to be published in this journal.
Indexing and Accreditation
JAREE is accredited SINTA rank 3 (Indonesian Science and Technology Index) and also indexed by DOAJ , CrossRef , and Google Scholar .
NEW ISSUE: Vol 7 No 2 (2023)
How to cite JAREE: Click here
JAREE is also supported by FORTEI (a national organization related to electrical engineering education and research in Indonesia) and PUI-PT AIHeS (a center of excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare and Society). These sponsorships do not influence editor's decision on the submitted manuscript.