Lung Nodule Detection of CT and Image-Based GLCM and RLM CT Scan Using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death globally. Early detection of lung cancer will greatly beneficial to save the patient. This study focused on the detection of lung cancer using classification with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method based on the features of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) and Run Length Matrix (RLM). The lung data used were obtained from the Cancer imaging archive Database, consisting of 500 CT images. CT images were grouped into 2 clusters, including normal and lung cancer. The research steps include: image processing, region of interest segmentation, and feature extraction. The results indicate that the system can detect the CT-image of SVM classification where the default parameter only provides an accuracy of 85.63%. It is expected that the results will be useful to help medical personnel and researchers to detect the status of lung cancer. These results provide information that detection of lung nodules based on GLCM and RLM features that can be detected is better. Furthermore, selecting parameters C and γ on SVM.
Keywords: cancer, nodule, support vector machine (SVM).
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