Semi-Automatic Image Segmentation on X-ray Image of Spine using Active Contour Method
Currently, many image analysis methods have been developed on X-Ray of scoliotic patients. However, segmentation of spinal curvature is still a challenge, and needs to be improved. In this research, we proposed a semi-automatic spinal image segmentation of scoliotic patients from X-Ray images. This method is divided into 2 steps: preprocessing and segmentation process. A conversion process from RGB to grayscale and CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adequate Histogram Equalization) method was used in image preprocessing. The active contour method was used for the segmentation process. The result shows that segmentation of spinal X-ray images of scoliotic patients using active contour method interactively, can give better results. The average of ME and RAE values are 12.98% and 26.75 %. instead of using the interactive region splitting method which gets 21.17% and 89.27%.
Keywords: active contour, interactive segmentation, pre-processing, scoliosis.
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