Measurement of Usability for Multimedia Interactive Learning Based on Website in Mathematics for SMK

Moch Sukardjo, Lipur Sugiyanta


Web usability, if evaluation done correctly, can significantly improve the quality of the website. Website containing multimedia for education shoud apply user interfaces that are both easy to learn and easy to use. Multimedia has big role in changing the mindset of a person in learning. Using multimedia, learners get easy to obtain information, adjust information and empower information. Therefore, multimedia is utilized by teachers in developing learning techniques to improve student learning outcomes. For students with self-directed learning, multimedia provides the ease and completeness of the courses in such a way that students can complete the learning independently both at school and at home without the guidance of teachers. The learning independence takes place in how students choose, absorb information, and follow the evaluation quickly and efficiently. The 2013 Curriculum 2013 for Vocational High School (SMK) requires teachers to create engaging teaching and learning activities that students enjoy in the classroom (also called invitation learning environment). The creation of learning activity environment is still problem for most teachers. Various researches reveal that teaching and learning activities will be more effective and easy when assisted by visual tools. Using multimedia, learning material can be presented more attractively that help students understand the material easily. The opposite is found in the learning activity environment who only rely on ordinary lectures. Usability is a quality level of multimedia with easy to learn, easy to use and encourages users to use it. The website Multimedia Interactive Learning for Mathematics SMK Class X is targeted object. Usability website in Multimedia Interactive Learning for Mathematics SMK Class X is important indicators to measure effectiveness, efficiency, and student satisfaction to access the functionality of website. This usability measurement should be done carefully before the design is implemented thoroughly. The only way to get test with high quality results is to start testing at the beginning of the design process and continuously testing each of the next steps. This research performs usability testing on of website by using WAMMI criterion (Website Analysis and Measurement Inventory) and will be focused on how convenience using the website application. Components of Attractiveness, Controllability, Efficiency, Helpfulness, and Learnability are applied. The website in Multimedia Interactive Learning for Mathematics SMK Class X can be in accordance with the purpose to be accepted by student to improve student learning outcomes. The results show that WAMMI method show the usability value of Multimedia Mathematics SMK Class X is about from 70% to 90%.

Keywords: web; usability; WAMMI criteria; mathematics; self learning

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